Starting with February 15, 2020, we will apply changes to the packages and prices for the hosting services provided by MioriticHost.Thus, the hosting packages (new and existing) will increase their allocated space as follows:- The 1GB package will increase to 2GB.- The 3GB package will increase to 5GB.- The 5GB package will increase to 8GB.- The ... Read More »
On this night, 20/10/2018, we will operate maintenance works for MioriticHost storage system. In this interval, interruptions will occur some point of services HTTP and/or e-mail. DNS services will function normally.
On this night, 12/02/2018, we will operate maintenance works for Mioritichost storage system. In this interval, interruptions will occur some point (max. 5 minutes) of services HTTP and/or e-mail. DNS services will function normally.
Ca urmare a consultărilor cu partenerii din data de 18.01.2017, care au avut loc la sediul ICI București și pe baza rezultatelor chestionarului „Consultări privind principiile de reglementare a domeniilor .ro” inițiat de MCSI la data de 27.05.2017, Consiliul de Administrație al ICI-București a aprobat în data de 14.07.2017 introducerea ... Read More »